At One Benefit Source, we understand how complex the world of benefits can be for employees. We also understand that what people need is guidance regarding their benefit decisions. With the changes surrounding the Affordable Care Act (PPACA), it is important that you have a clear understanding of how your policies will work for you when you need them. Long ago, high-deductibles and high out-of-pocket costs were rare, and most people who had health insurance, whether personally or through the workplace, could count on paying very little out of pocket in the event of an illness or injury. As you can see in this chart, more workers today are enrolled in High Deductible Health Plans than ever before. This means more exposure and more risk when it comes to paying for treatment.


Our extensive expertise in benefits sourcing and administration means that when you have questions, we can provide clear, simple answers. Why is this important to you as an employee? Well, the less time you have to spend researching your options, the more time you have for enjoying your life. Oftentimes when we are faced with making a decision about something complex, we delay or defer that decision.

The most common enrollment scenario we see, often looks something like this:

  1. HR and Executives make decisions about benefit options
  2. Costs and information are obtained from the carriers
  3. Benefit packets are distributed to the employees
  4. Decisions are left to the employees and their loved ones
  5. Enrollment information is collected and returned to the carriers

While this method is common, and can be effective, it is lacking a few critical components. In the complex world of benefit choices, it is very common to have questions about your options. Where do you turn in the scenario described above? Well, sometimes a presentation is done for 30-60 minutes regarding these choices. But if you have a particular question about a health concern, or the question doesn't arise until you begin filling out your forms, how do you handle it?

You may have the option of calling the carrier (Anthem, Delta, Blue Shield, etc.) directly, but that may result in more confusion or more questions. You may have a broker contact that can help, but that is also typically over the phone, which lacks a distinct human touch. As we stated earlier, benefit decisions are tough, and having guidance is critical. Here's how we can help.

An enrollment with One Benefit Source is distinctly different:

  1. HR and Executives make decisions about benefit options
  2. Costs and information are obtained from the carriers
  3. Benefit packets are distributed to the employees
  4. Time is scheduled with a certified benefits expert to review your options
  5. During enrollment, this expert will guide you through your choices
  6. Enrollment information is collected and returned to the carriers

One of the most important things we will talk to employees about during their 1-to-1 benefits counseling session, is how to pay for what your health insurance won't cover. Even the best health care plan will only cover related medical costs, leaving people to try to find ways to pay their bills while they are sick or hurt.

Click Here to download more info about colonial life's one to one benefits counseling.

understanding your plan is critical

Some common non-medical costs that are not covered by your health plan include:

  • Loss of income during recovery
  • Childcare
  • Mortgage or rent
  • Utility bills
  • Groceries
  • Over the counter medications
  • Insurance premiums and deductibles
  • Experimental treatment

Some common medical costs that may be covered by your health plan include:

  • Inpatient or outpatient procedures
  • Hospitalization
  • Prescriptions
  • Follow-Up care
  • Diagnostic procedures
  • ER/Urgent Care visits
  • Specialist visits
  • Durable medical equipment
  • Mental and nervous disorders

Answer a few questions below to see if you are eligible for a government subsidy

CANCER in America

42% of cancer patients experience a significant or catastrophic financial burden.

Cancer Survival Rates

Thanks to better treatment, more people are surviving cancer. But it is still placing a significant financial burden on most patients.

When it comes to cancer, it is critical that we are prepared. Men in the U.S. have a 1 in 2 lifetime risk of developing cancer, and women the risk is 1 in 3. Only 5% of all cancers are hereditary which means we all need to be vigilant about getting tested. What's also terrifying is the thought of dealing with the financial stress of paying bills without an income. 42% of cancer patients experience a significant or catastrophic financial burden. The good news, as you can see in this chart to the right, is that more people are surviving cancer. The bad news is that a cancer patient is 265% more likely to go bankrupt due to lack of income and long treatments.

Learn more about how cancer insurance can help protect your income, cover unexpected costs, and provide peace of mind

the truth about disability insurance

Workers who believe being disabled would be financially difficult

77% of workers believe missing work for 3 months due to a disability would cause significant hardship

When we think about being disabled, we often think ofpermanent or lengthy disabilities, such as ALS or Parkinson's. While these are definitely debilitating, we should be more concerned with the disabilities we are most likely to face, such as an injury or an illness. Long term disability insurance often has a lengthy elimination period; 90-180 days is very common. That means that someone would need to live with their disability for that length of time before they could file a claim.

The reality is that most people suffer from disabilities that only last 6 to 8 weeks, and as a result, do not meet the elimination period of their long term disability policy. This is where short-term disability comes in. Designed to provide benefits as early as the first day of an accident or the eighth day of a sickness, short-term disability is critical to help replace lost income in the event of a disabling sickness or injury.

Workers who believe it would be difficult if their paychecks were delayed by one week

66% of Americans would find it somewhat or very difficult to meet current financial obligations if their paychecks were delayed by one week

Approximately 90% of all disabilities are caused by illnesses, rather than accidents*. If you were out of work for an extended period of time, would you be able to pay for your everyday living expenses? Most Americans would find this quite difficult, which is why protection is critical.

Social Security disability is limited and reserved for disabilities that are expected to last at least a year or lead to death. The average Social Security disability check is about $1,100 per month, which is not enough for most people to live on.

*Council for Disability Awareness, Chances of Disability: Me, Disabled?,, 2012

How short-term disability insurance can help:

  • Employees receive monthly benefits paid directly to them if they become disabled because of a covered accident or sickness.„
  • Benefits can be paid as soon as the first day of an accident or the 8th day of a sickness.
  • When combined with California SDI, we can often protect up to 95% of one's income.
  • Employees are paid benefits regardless of any insurance they may have with other companies.
  • Partial disability enables employees to work part-time and still receive 50% of the total disability benefits.
  • In most cases, employees can keep their coverage even if they leave their employer.

download a simple disability worksheet to determine how much coverage you need